
Mat 1
Your welcome message here
Game 1

-Ippon +
-Wazari +
 -   + 
 -   + 
Reset ALL       Bell

Reset for Golden Score

Minutes 2 3 4 5

A A A   Help
  Toketa Reset






kano icon Click image to jump to full screen Kano portrait (for bow in)

~~~~~~ Preferences     Ver 5.32   (Last updated: 24 Oct 2018)   ~~~~~~

Download and run ScoreJudo even when off-line
Mostly you will want to run ScoreJudo not as an internet dependent webpage but as a local webpage stored on your laptop or a memory stick and ready to run anywhere, whether or not the internet is available. Accordingly this webpage contains ALL the resources necessary in a single HTML file with no external dependencies which you can save and run locally. To do so follow these steps . . .
  • Firefox users, from your browser`s FILE menu (or right-click your mouse) select SAVE PAGE AS, then when the file dialog appears, select file type of WEB PAGE COMPLETE. make sure the file name is scorejudo.html, NOT scorejudo.htm
  • Internet Explorer users, from your browser`s FILE menu select SAVE AS, then when the file dialog appears, select file type of WEB PAGE COMPLETE. make sure the file name is scorejudo.html, NOT scorejudo.htm
  • Chrome users, right-click your mouse and select SAVE AS, then when the file dialog appears, select file type of WEB PAGE COMPLETE. make sure the file name is scorejudo.html, NOT scorejudo.htm
Welcome Message Banner


Enter text for the top welcome banner here then click OK


Click on a colour patch to set Welcome Message background colour
Silver (default) Grey Yellow Orange Pink Green Aqua


Rule Set
2017-18 IJF rule set - No Yuko

2016 and Earlier rule set - includes Yuko
Colour Scheme
Back â†‘
These options modify the colour scheme only. They do not invoke different scoring rules or time keeping options as in New IJF-Old IJF or "Traditional". To invoke different rule sets see the RULE SET options above.
Back â†‘
These options modify the layout only. They do not invoke different scoring rules or time keeping options or colour schemes.
Double Digit Wazari
0   00
0   00
0    0
0    0
Back â†‘
Double digit Wazari assists officials when calculating total points earned by players with similar win-loss ratios. For example a player with an Ippon and 2 Wazari will show (at a glance) 1 02     ...and 102 is in fact his-her points credit for that match. The system defaults to double digit wazari if you select 2017 IJF rules and single digits if you select old IJF rule set. However you are entirely free to select either option with any of the rule sets (or colour schemes).
Osaekomi Times & Auto Scoring
Stop Osekomi clock at (Ippon earned)  Back â†‘
Auto Scoring Ippon at [see above]  
Many referees do not want the scoreboard to presume scores gained as the osaekomi clock ticks, and furthermore non-auto scoring is particularly suitable for Monsters and Special Needs where several Wazari or Ippons are sometimes allowed to encourage full length matches. Setting Auto-Score ON will advance Tori`s score automatically as the clock ticks past each hold-down scoring threshold. Select AUTO SCORE where referees agree to allow the scoreboard to apply the hold-down scoring rules automatically.
Golden Score Clock
 Back â†‘
There are two common conventions with the Golden Score clock - current IJF rules let it run indefinitely, which can on rare occasions see matches run for 10 or 15 minutes or more; and the earlier convention where the golden score clock gives players extra time equal to half of their original match time. Thus a 3 minute match time would give 1.5 minutes golden score time, after which Hantai is called.
Preferred Sound - this mat (
Mat 1
Back â†‘

DEFAULT Match Time
1 Minute     2 Minutes     3 Minutes     4 Minutes     5 Minutes        Back â†‘


CAUTION - click these only between matches, NEVER during a match. Clicking these default match times also RESETS the scoreboard for new match. To correct a timing error DURING a match, see the QUICK FIX option below. Quick-fixing the clock does not alter the default match duration - it only affects the match currently in progress.
These links are also available from the actual scoreboard - (bottom left of scoreboard screen).
Quick Fix a time keeping error   mid-match only !
Manually Force MAIN Clock to a particular time, mid match . . .
Select desired minutes and seconds: :         - then click the update button -   Back â†‘
Manually Force Osaekomi Clock to a particular time, mid match . . .
Select desired seconds:         - then click the update button -   Back â†‘


Do not FORCE CLOCKS simply to reset in readiness for a new match (use the Minutes and/or Reset links for that). Use FORCE CLOCKS only to correct some error during a match, as in for example the clock was left running while Matte was in force, or a first aid officer was attending, or perhaps was NOT started for some seriously significant amount of time after HAJIME was called.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The space bar by default has been re-assigned to act as a toggle for the Hajime - Matte switch. If you enter into either the banner text edit box or the player names edit box this feature is temporally disabled so as to allow use of the space bar as a normally functioning space bar - until you exit out of the boxes.
However you can force either of these conditions anytime by use of these buttons.   Back â†‘

Player Database

Update players list

This HTML5 persistent database storage facility may not work with some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer due to reported bug #Q276228 described on Microsofts site at

We suggest you use Firefox (any version) or Safari or Google Chrome or any standards compliant browser.

How to . . .

Add, edit or delete players from this simple list, or PASTE a block of names from a simple TEXT file (e.g. a NOTEPAD file) - one player per line, in any order and in any cASE.   Click the Update Players List button and the list will automatically be sorted alphabetically and be adjusted for correct upper-lower case.

The dropdown player selection lists in the white and blue sections of the scoreboard will also be automatically updated.

If you want to transport these names to another computer you must select ALL, Copy then paste into a text file and transport that text file. Storage of names on this computer will only be preserved across numerous sessions on this particular computer. They do not get stored in some central location for use on another computer


ScoreJudo-HTML . . . a judo score board in a webpage.


Now it doesn`t matter whether you use Mac, Linux or Windows.   Carry it on a memory stick - use it from your smartphone.

Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013   Campbell Dunstan

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.   See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.   If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.

This webpage is an online or webpage version of ScoreJudo version 5.   It is not as comprehensive or powerful as the executable version since the entire page is written in HTML and Javascript which is really a client side scripting language rather than a full-blown high level language. Nevertheless it is a stop gap solution for local judo tournaments where a windows PC or laptop may not be available.   Since this online version is nothing more than a webpage it should run on any device capable of running a browser.   It has been tested on FireFox and Chrome and validates to W3C standards with zero errors or warnings, which means it should run on just aGame anything, including big screen smartphones and tablets.   To make it truly portable, simply save the webpage as scorejudo.html (file menu, SAVE AS) and carry this single 65 kilobyte file around on a memory stick, smartphone, iPad, netbook or similar device and you have scorejudo in your pocket.  

How to operate.

  It is strongly recommended that you use a proper mouse with this app.  

Open the page (scorejudo.html) in your browser, maximise the window, and using the FONT size links in the bottom left corner (the three "A"s), adjust the image to JUST fill the screen and no more - that is to say, adjust so that the green clock band reaches to the bottom of the screen (or almost).  

Click on the default match times (bottom right corner) and set the default match duration - startup default is 5 minutes but you can choose 1, 2, 3 and 4 minute match times.  

If you wish to use the player database and your browser supports it, enter the names of all the players (one player per line) and click UPDATE PLAYER LIST.  

When the ref shouts Hajime, click the Hajime link or hit the SPACEBAR; the timer will start.  

When the ref shouts Matte, click the same link (or hit the SPACEBAR again) which will now bear the caption "Matte" and the clock will stop.

If the blue player achieves a holddown and the ref declares "Osaekomi", click the Osaekomi link.   The Osaekomi timer will begin.   Toketa will stop the Osaekomi clock.   Alternatively, just clicking the osaekomi clock numeral itself will do the same thing and is a bigger target for a wayward mouse.   Sonomama will stop both the Osaekomi clock AND the main clock.   As Osaekomi progresses, as early as possible, click either the white or the blue button to indicate TORI (for both your own information and the referee`s).   To remove a time from the Osaekomi clock after the referee and everyone else with an interest has read it and the match has moved on, click "reset".  

Individual scores can be progressed by clicking on the numbers directly, and such can be back-tracked by clicking on the subtract (minus sign) link just above each Ippon, Wazari and Yuko score numeral.  

Penalties - click a player`s "yellow card" to penalise that player. Clicking the little arrows above the yellow card adds or subtracts one Shido at a time.   Issuing shido no longer upgrqades the other players score.

For a golden score situation, click the "Reset for golden Score" link which will reset the clock but will not reset the player names or scores or penalties.   Note that the clock now runs FORWARDS for ever with the advent of the new rule which removes the time limitation from Golden Score - the match runs until one player scores, however long that may take - hence the clock is reset to ZERO and counts upwards.    

At full time, the clock will pause at zero and an exclamation mark will flash, prompting the timekeeper to ring a shopkeepers bell or sound effect (if a hold-down is not in progress of course).   In some countries the timekeeper does not ring a bell but tosses a small bean bag onto the mat near the referee`s feet, which makes for less noise confusion and chaos at a large crowded venue.  

If resetting the board results in an incorrect match time, click the appropriate "Minutes" link - that setting will now be the default and the scoreboard will completely RESET.   You can manually manipulate the clock to precise times to correct for mistakes during a match.   Scroll down to the HELP area.   Resetting the board advances the Game count by one but you can manually move that number up or down with the little arrows next to it - same for the MAT Number.  

Players names - upgraded - players names are now chosen simply from the dropdown selectors which are populated by the players database of names.

Colour Schemes - The board has 3 small clickable buttons at the lower left corner of the screen.   These allow selection of 3 colour schemes - the most common IJF style of white over blue, the traditional older style of red over white and a hybrid version of white over red.   The IJF version is most common and lists the first called white suited player on top (enters mat on referee`s right) and the blue below.   The traditional style is often seen in Japan and in those organisations which follow the traditional convention of calling the red belted player first and to the referee`s right and the white belted player second and to the referee`s left.   The hybrid version is sometimes used by tournaments run in the IJF manner and convention but with an allowance for red belts or sashes instead of blue gis, as sometimes seen in Masters and Veteran, Mons and Special Needs events.  

Second Monitor - if your laptop, PC, iPad, netbook or other device is able, connect a second large monitor or TV set configured to DUPLICATE the device screen and use that as the public display, facing the mat and referee.   Unlike the executable version of ScoreJudo with its second slave window and other goodies, this screen should NOT be configured so as to extend your desktop onto it - it should be a straight duplication of your device screen.

The Bell - nrmally the bell will ring automatically at end of match time but you can ring it manually for any reason at any time.   doing so will have no effect whatsoever on any facet of the scoreboard and will not force or stop or start the clock.   There are several sounds selectable for the bell; it is advisable to select a different sound for each mat in a multi mat tournament (siren, chime, buzzer etc) to reduce confusion amongst players and referees.  

WARNING - Avoid hitting the RELOAD (refresh) button or the BACK or FORWARD buttons on your browser while a match is in progress - if you do, the page will reload and all your settings and font sizes will be lost, the clocks will stop and reset, the players names will zero out and you`ll have to start again. There is no reason to click these buttons, every scoreboard function and HELP is available through clickable links on the screen.  

Need more draw sheets? - click HELP or scroll down to the PRINT SCORE SHEET link.   Set your browser to NOT print headers or footers and DO print background colours - print it!   Make sure popups are not blocked in your browser preferences.  

What`s missing?

The online version does not have sound - it is up to the table officials to ring a bell or similar when the time is up.   I made the decision that if it could not be done in pure Javascript and in one single webpage file it was simply not going to get done.   I know that web page sound is possible through a variety of means including Flash, but I had to decide on some cut-off point and simplicity won the day - time keeping and score tracking is the major role of this scoreboard.  

The clock does not stop on scoring of an ippon, meaning that for those matches that allow more than two wazari or more than one ippon (e.g. MONster or tiny tot rules), the scoreboard is by default ready for such. But for normal matches this simply means the timekeeper needs to manually click Matte to stop the clock in the event of an Ippon.   This behaviour also makes it eminently suitable for Special Needs matches for which it is common practice to allow for several (nominal) wazari and Ippons where the aim might be more to give the players a "full match" experience rather than a "quick win".  


ScoreJudo Online is in no way intended to be a proper replacement for the downloadable Windows XP-Vista-7   application which is being used in more than 20 countries and has been adopted as the offical scoreboard by several State and National bodies around the globe and has many more features than this very basic, extremely simple "emergency" solution.  

Nevertheless, with version 1.8 and its additional features, there is less need for the Windows executable version now and it may well be discontinued as the webpage HTML version becomes increasingly popular because of its ability to run on anything.  

The page was written entirely in Javascript and all scripts and styles are included in the actual page coding.   This means that with this single file (scorejudo.html) saved on your device or on a memory stick you are good to go - no separate style sheets, script files, pictures, flash movies or other plugins of any kind are required.   This also means that you are free to play with the coding yourself if you so wish and are prepared to leave the original copyright notice in the file.     Since I am a self confessed Javascript mug-newbie I make no pretence at the excellence of the code. Javascript is not a language I use professionally.   To be entirely accurate,   for the interest of those who care, it was actually written in PHP which in turn generates the single HTML file from disparate style, script, text files.   If however Javascript is your game feel free to email me with suggestions and cleaned up code and I shall include you in the contributers list.  

Staate and National parent bodies wishing to distribute a copy of this software with their logo on it are most welcome to contact me with such requests - simply forward a reasonably good quality JPG or PNG file of your logo and we shall endeavour to accommodate it on the scoreboard somewhere.

Log of changes:-

2010 - First public version: Ver 1.2

March 2011 - Ver 1.3 - Addition of Ippon Wazari yuko labels above scores.

Change to Osaekomi clocks - if the table operator makes a mistake and clicks the wrong Osaekomi clock, he or she can quickly transfer the score to the correct Osaekomi clock by simply clicking on the the correct clock while the wrong clock is STILL RUNNING.   This will not work unless the wrong clock is actually running.   Since it is not normal practice to click on one clock while the other is running, Scorejudo interprets this as a MISTAKE CORRECTION and behaves accordingly.  

Removal of the "undo" labels in favour of small back arrows.   The undo labels were confusing to some, hence this change.  

Provision of a RED version (scorejudo_red.html)     Many juniors, veterans and special needs matches are run under traditional rules where expectation of a blue gi is not practical.   With red sashes, a traditional red scoreboard is preferred by some.   There is nothing to prevent running both the blue and the red version in separate browser windows, facilitiating a quick change to either, each with their own preferences set and ready to go.  

March 2013 - version 1.7 - Scrapping of red version due to lack of demand. Incorporation of the IJF 2013 rule changes, including no automatic Yuko-Wazari etc for Shidos - golden score to run indefinitely, thus the clock counts forwards not "down" when golden score is in play.   Osaekomi clocks stop at 20 seconds, not 25 seconds.

March 2013 - version 1.8 trial of persistent player name database using HTML5 ability to store data locally without dependence on cookies.  

2014 - Reconstituted ability to run a red version from within the blue version.

March 2015 - version 2.2   Keyboard shortcuts enabled.   Initial shortcut restricted to SPACE BAR for Hajime-Matte toggle.  

October 2015 - version 3.0   Major revamp of internals, Osaekomi clock for each player removed and replaced with one global clock.   Added ability to set clocks to specific times.   Ability to change to traditional format improved by putting red player on top. Ability to ring bell manually for any reason any time.       Ability to "brand" your edition by editing the branding.html file with any valid html markup.  

Enjoy!     Campbell Dunstan,   2010 - 2015       Australia     www.scorejudo.com

kano portrait
Click the portrait to return to the scoreboard
Blackboard - click inside text area to type public messages